Simply put, this means you have more cash flowing into your business rather than out of it. And as you receive more cash from customers, new business loans or investments, or sales of assets, you’ll find that your cash spending is decreasing, too. When a business has a poor cash flow, they’ll experience a number of problems in a domino effect.
According to a study by, 52% of business owners struggle with cash flow issues. This includes being unable to pay suppliers or give salaries to employees, losing track of debt repayments and gaining penalty fees, and even having overdue invoices with customers.
These are critical problems that can be solved with effective cash flow management.
Cash flow management is important for your business to grow and be financially secure. And for a small business owner, this should be a top priority.
Incorporating the best financial practices in your cash flow planning will improve the finances of your small business. Regularly monitoring and reviewing your cash flow allows you to accurately predict how much money your business will bring in and how much you can spend on growth and investment opportunities.
Rigorously reviewing it also ensures that you don’t overspend and that you stay within your budget. Without proper cash flow management, it’s easy to find yourself guessing how much money you have and end up overspending it. Or worse, spending money that was already allotted for something else.
One of the main causes of business failure is a lack of cash. Once your business reaches a certain size, you’ll realise that in order to take the next steps, you need to better understand and appreciate your numbers.
A CFO is the guardian of your finances, a seasoned expert that is by your side, supporting your growth through financial strategies. Better CFOs aren’t just talented at numbers, they’re also expert strategists that allow you to realise a future that isn’t just a goal, but a reality.
Optimising your Profit & Cash provides you a better opportunity to create a more accurate financial strategy that's aligned with your business goals.
Managing Cashflow is vital, because without it, you risk failure. By optimising your profit and cash, you can remain cashflow positive, consistently fuelling growth.
Cost management is critical. If you can identify areas to streamline your costs without compromising quality or efficiency, this will directly drive your bottom line.
Our business should be set up to give us freedom, but without enough profit and cash we’ll never get there.
Make decisions from the story that your numbers are telling you because trusting your gut, and your gut alone, is dangerous.
Maintaining a positive cash flow is one of the most essential objectives in your business. This means that you have more cash flowing into your business rather than out of it.
And as you receive more cash from customers, new business loans or investments, or sales of assets, you’ll find that your cash spending is decreasing, too.
We conduct an initial conversation with you. We ask questions to better understand you, your business, and the pain points that you are experiencing.
We have a formal meeting with you once you’re comfortable with us and perform an audit of your current financial practices and position by looking at profits and losses, balance sheets, and financial projections. We ask about any insights you may have on your cash flow.
We create a workable solution based on our review and walk you through our proposal so you understand what you’re investing in.
We help you achieve your goals by creating the space for growth. When you’re not stressed about your accounting, you have more time to focus on growing your business.
We also provide tax planning and tax advisory to support your cash flow. And we pay close attention to how tax law constantly changes (though we know this isn’t the case for most business owners), so we’re excited to help you optimise your tax position and provide you the tax relief you deserve.
The journey to work with us starts by reaching out.
Whether you email, call, send us a message, somebody in our team will get back to you promptly. The best part is, all of our conversations are FREE unless we advise you otherwise.
This short and sharp conversation is for us to get to know you more. We’ll ask some questions and give you some initial feedback based on your responses.
From there, we’ll determine whether you’re a good fit.
I love homework (said nobody ever).
Don’t worry, our homework is simple. We may give you more questions to answer to help us better understand your goals, but the main form of homework is just giving us access to your software, so we can take a look.
After we’ve reviewed your numbers and data, our next step is to provide you with our feedback and give you immediate strategies on what could be improved.
This is also the opportunity for you to see the quality of your existing accounting. 9 times out of 10 people are shocked with the story their numbers are telling them because they haven’t had proper accounting completed.
No client is the same, and each solution is tailored to your business and needs.
Once your proposal is accepted (all electronic), we’ll start the onboarding process. You don’t have to notify your existing accountant if you don’t want to. We’ll take care of the process for you, making it easy!
We’ll invite you to attend our onboarding meeting, where you’ll get an opportunity to meet with the main people who’ll be supporting you.
We’re never far away. We’re always available to have a chat with, and we do our best to acknowledge you within 48 hours. Because you no longer have to stress about your accounting, you can focus on more important things.
To get started, it’s as easy as saying hey!
We’ll get in touch and ask you a few questions to better understand you, and to see whether we’re a good fit. We’re interested in working with those who want to build a long term partnership and not just a tax outcome.
From there, we’ll need access to some data or reports for us to put together our proposal.
Our Proposal meeting is more than ‘here it is, have a think about it and get back to us’. We provide you with a review of the story in your numbers, highlighting anything that needs to be addressed, so whether you work with us or not, you know the true story that your business is telling you.
Our Proposals are all sent for electronic signature, and once accepted you move to our onboarding meeting, where you get to meet the key players in the team who are there to support you.
Once that is done, we get stuck into the work. Operating behind the scenes, but only ever a phone, SMS, Facebook / WhatsApp / Instagram, or email away.
The best part is, depending on how ready you are, we can usually do this process within 2 weeks.
Permission to be blunt — how frequently you hear from us is dictated by how much you’re willing to pay. We’re not trying to be rude about it, but it’s plain and simple. We value our time and our knowledge, and if you want smart advice, you’ve got to have skin in the game.
But, we’re always available via phone, SMS, Facebook / WhatsApp / Instagram, or email, and we’re regularly sending out communications and invitations to events.
We’re certain we are, otherwise why would you be on our page reading this right now?
In truth, you don’t until you give us a go. Every new beginning starts with a single step.
But if you need more convincing, we can send you through testimonials and client references.
A few things, really:
We’ve got packages from $200/month through to $2000+/month.
It’s hard to say until we start looking into your business, but what we can say is this:
Of course! Let us know, and we’ll give you a couple clients to speak with.
We’ve worked across multiple industries, and in reality, a business sells time or ‘stuff’ (products).
We understand the differences in both business models because we’ve worked across both business models.
In fact, we’re regularly cross implementing advice, meaning we implement product methodology into service businesses and vice versa, because sometimes the answers require you to think laterally.
We’re a tech-driven firm. Majority of your interaction with us will be via phone, email, zoom/MS Teams.
We’re a Xero Partner, and work predominantly in Xero, but have experience working across Quickbooks and MYOB.
All our lodgements are sent electronically for you to sign, and all the programs we use to run our business are cloud-based, meaning the team can work remotely across the globe (which they do).
For us, work is where the Wi-Fi is.
We work with clients across the country, and when we can, we try to get out there to our clients in different states. But if you’re in Sydney, there’s a good chance we’ll get to catch up for a coffee (or beer).
© 2025 HY Accounting. Built with love by Insiteful.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.